- beaches
- 21 Jan 2023
Exploring the Fascinating World of Brain Coral : Types, Characteristics, Nutrition, Distribution and Interesting Facts »
- beaches
- 21 Jan 2023
Dieu égyptien khonsu – « Khonsu, Symbole de la Lune dans la Civilisation égyptienne Antique: Faits et Histoire du Rôle du Dieu dans les Croyances religieuses, les Mythes, les Temples et les Contes de l’ère Pharaonique » Khonsu était un ancien dieu égyptien de la Lune, représenté comme un homme à tête de faucon ou de crocodile, […]
- beaches
- 19 Jan 2023
Les reines égyptiennes-les femmes Égyptiennes anciennes ont joué un rôle important dans la société, en particulier à la maison. Ils étaient chargés du ménage et de l & apos; éducation des enfants, ainsi que de l & apos; artisanat et de l & apos; agriculture. Des reines comme Cléopâtre et Néfertiti étaient des personnalités influentes […]
- beaches
- 14 Jan 2023
La plongée en apnée en Égypte est une activité populaire pour les touristes et les habitants qui souhaitent explorer le monde sous-marin du pays. Quelles sont les meilleures activités à faire à Hurghada et pour Sheikh et Marsam Alam? Choisissez parmi plus de 50 offres d’excursions en bateau et d’excursions historiques à Hurghada –Sharm ELSheikh […]
- beaches
- 04 Jan 2023
Attaque de requins à Hurghada et Dangerosité des requins mer rouge – Egypt Diving
Egyptian Shark Attacks and The Red Sea Sharks’ level of hazard, as well as information on current and historical attacks on visitors in Hurghada, Marsa Alam, Sharm el Sheikh, and other diving destinations in Egypt.
- beaches
- 04 Jan 2023
Pickalbatros Hotels & Resorts’ huge amusement park Neverland Hurghada is a project that allowed the company’s engineers to turn a desert area measuring 100,000 square metres into the largest family entertainment city in Egypt and the Middle East.
- beaches
- 21 Sep 2022
AMAZING THINGS TO DO IN SHARM EL SHEIKH, EGYPT – Your travel guide to Sharm El-Sheikh The best things and tours that you can do in Sharm El-Sheikh
- beaches
- 20 Sep 2022
Meilleures choses à faire à Hurghada, Égypte- Hurghada Activités -que faire à hurghada ?
What can tourists enjoy in Hurghada? Can I visit the Pyramids from Hurghada?Is Hurghada worth?What is Hurghada Egypt known for?
- beaches
- 19 Sep 2022
Tips for underwater photography when diving in Egypt the Red Sea Egypt/ the Egyptian resorts, especially Sharm El Sheikh Hurghada
- beaches
- 17 Sep 2022
Fishing in the Red Sea -Red Sea Fishing In Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh-Marsa Alam
Fishing in the Red Sea -Red Sea Fishing IN Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh-Marsa Alam /Delicious red sea fish/ What distinguishes the Red Sea?
- beaches
- 17 Sep 2022
the diving equipment needed for the safety of experienced divers when diving in Egypt and the Red Sea | What to bring before starting a diving trip
- beaches
- 16 Sep 2022
Stay in Egypt Where should I live? Different types of basic Accommodation in Egypt in Hurghada, Luxor, Cairo/Egypt is one of the greatest historical
- beaches
- 15 Sep 2022
Veneficae tentaculata | famous eel | red sea fish | Best Diving In Egypt
the most important marine creatures and Red Sea Fish and the best diving spots in Egypt’s resorts Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, Marsa Alam, Taba and Dahab
- beaches
- 15 Sep 2022
Les récifs coralliens les plus célèbres de la mer Rouge / Plongée en Egypte-Excursions à Hurghada
the most famous coral reefs and the creatures that live in the Red Sea.Coral polyps | The most famous coral reefs in the Red Sea | Diving in Egypt
- beaches
- 12 Sep 2022
The great biodiversity of the Red Sea has led experts to call it a natural wonder.The Egyptians were the first to attempt an exploration mission in the Red Sea
- beaches
- 01 Sep 2022
Que faire à hurghada egypte, Vacances en famille avec enfants à Hurghada. Où aller
Family holidays with children in Hurghada A holiday with young travelers in the Egyptian city of Hurghada will certainly be remembered
- beaches
- 01 Jan 2025
Ras Mohammed National Park: Egypt’s Natural Wonder
Ras Mohammed National Park: Egypt’s Natural Wonder Discover the incredible beauty and biodiversity of Ras Mohammed National Park, Egypt’s most famous national park and a globally renowned dive site. Located at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, just 20 km south of Sharm El Sheikh, this natural haven is a meeting point of the […]
- Cultural events
- 30 Déc 2024
The Grand Egyptian Museum: A Gateway to 7,000 Years of Civilization The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), a groundbreaking cultural landmark, stands as a testament to Egypt’s enduring legacy and historical significance. With the goal of uniting and showcasing the treasures of Ancient Egypt, the GEM is poised to become the world’s largest archaeological museum dedicated […]
- Uncategorized
- 04 Déc 2024
Discover the Warmth of Egypt & Make Lifelong Memories
A life well-travelled cannot be considered complete without at least one visit to Egypt! This fascinating country is not just home to some of the oldest and best-preserved historical sites on Earth, but it also offers a diverse range of holiday experiences to match every travel preference. Egypt The warmth and hospitality of the Egyptian […]
- Non classifié(e)
- 02 Déc 2024
15-Dniowa Wyprawa do Egiptu: Rejs po Nilu – Odkryj Dolinę Nilu i Tajemnice Pustyni
Dniowy Rejs po Nilu w Egipcie – Pełny Plan Wycieczki Dzień 1 – Przyjazd do Kairu Dzień 2 – Rejs po Nilu (Asuan) Dzień 3 – Abu Simbel i Rejs Dzień 4 – Edfu i Luksor Dzień 5 – Dolina Królów Dzień 6 – Wizyta w Oazie Siwa Dzień 7 – Odkrywanie Siwy Wycieczka po […]
- Uncategorized
- 16 Nov 2024
Discover the Hidden Gems of Hurghada Islands
Hurghada Islands The crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea and the pristine beaches of Hurghada Islands make them an essential stop for travelers seeking natural beauty, adventure, and relaxation. Each island offers something unique, from vibrant marine ecosystems to tranquil shores. Here’s an enhanced guide to help you choose the perfect island for your journey. […]
- beaches
- 18 Juil 2024
La mer Rouge est une entrée d’eau salée de l’océan Indien, située entre l’Afrique et l’Asie. Elle est connue pour sa vie marine riche et diversifiée, ses magnifiques récifs coralliens et ses eaux chaudes, ce qui en fait une destination prisée des amateurs de plongée et de snorkeling. La mer Rouge Géographie et localisation La […]
- Uncategorized
- 08 Juil 2024
Enjoy an Unforgettable Adventure in Marsa Alam EGYPT
Introduction to Marsa Alam Marsa Alam EGYPT is one of the most beautiful coastal cities in Egypt, located on the western coast of the Red Sea. The city is renowned for its white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and stunning coral reefs. Marsa Alam is an ideal destination for diving enthusiasts, snorkelers, and those looking […]
- Uncategorized
- 27 Juin 2024
A Comprehensive Guide to Hurghada: Top Activities in Egypt’s Coastal Gem Hurghada City, the pearl of the Red Sea, is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Egypt. Stretching over 40 km along the Red Sea coast, Hurghada transformed from a small fishing village into a thriving tourist hub during the 20th century, thanks […]