EgyptHurghada Diving Egypt /Diving in the Red Sea
Tips for underwater photography when diving in Egypt the Red Sea , When we go on a wonderful diving adventure while we are in one of the Egyptian resorts, especially Sharm El Sheikh Hurghada, and certainly Marsa Alam in southern Egypt, which is preferred by Italians, Germans, Dutch and Russians in the recent period, it is really A piece of God’s underwater paradise / How to take good pictures of snorkeling for beginners?/Hurghada Diving

Hurghada Diving Egypt
Hurghada Diving – the Red Sea Egypt – If you talk to any of the famous professional photographers around the world for their proficiency in taking underwater photos, you will of course feel that they make it look very easy and unskilled. This is what often happens.
But in fact, it’s quite the opposite. There is a lot of skill that you have to learn and acquire, whether through practical study or by reading more about these things, experience is also required which is your previous ability to take any of the beautiful pictures in the wild but that is not all, you need to learn New skills in diving and photography at the same time.
Before we begin, let me ask you a question: Have you ever seen any photo taken underwater that was enough to dazzle and hold your breath? In fact, it is worth learning and experiencing as capturing any one of all those beautiful scenic photos under the water while snorkeling helps you keep your special and never forgotten memories of your amazing dive.
Explorer Marine Life in the Red Sea, Red Sea Fish, Red Sea Coral Reef from Best Scuba Diving Egypt, Scuba Diving Hurghada from the best Hurghada Diving Center and Hurghada Diving Course and Swimming with Dolphins with Dolphins in Egypt by Snorkeling Egypt Boat Trips from Hurghada Excursion, Tourism Guide Egyptian
Indeed, the underwater world is very amazing especially the Red Sea, and you may be very curious to know more about it due to its unique and amazing thing, but often, after expanding your awareness and increasing your knowledge of it, it can become very strange.
These underwater photography tips can also make it successful to share those photos and experiences with all the members who are with you on the trip, or even with any of those who couldn’t come and weren’t lucky enough to be with them, who knows who can enjoy them. Be one of those images that made you enter the world.
Hurghada Diving Egypt
Its uniqueness is due to the fact that only divers, whether they engage in diving for recreation, a hobby, or even a profession or sport, are the only people in the entire world who can see this huge amount of enchanting marine life up close. But it is also their role to make it easier for someone else around them who is afraid of the experience but at the same time wants to enjoy seeing those scenes and getting to know them, and this will only happen through the wonderful pictures that a number of professionals do and talented photographers around the world can succeed in capturing Underwater.
So, if you have already meant inside it to complete the adventures and start your journey of underwater photography tips, then in the following lines are all the information you may need to get started and become a talented shooter.
Tips for underwater photography when diving in Egypt
The skills needed to be a good underwater photographer
Here is all the information and skills you should try to master:
First: buoyancy
Floatation can be considered the first and most important rule that you must know very well and practice it with utmost professionalism to be able to take pictures, and despite its importance, it is the rule that many can often forget and do not rely on while shooting especially with amateurs and not experts Of course under water.
Because relying on good buoyancy events under the ocean floor while shooting can be good for you and good for the health and survival of marine life and your life underwater as well.
If you don’t care about this and accidentally kick up the sand while shooting because you didn’t create a good amount of buoyancy, you could end up with a camera that takes a bad blackout.
Not only that, unfortunately, not only will this harm yourself and reduce the sharpness of your photos, but it can also harm aquatic animals and damage the homes of some of those marine animals.
So before you try photography at the bottom of the Red Sea in Egypt when you want to experience the wonderful diving in any of the Red Sea resorts Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh and Marsa Alam a piece of underwater paradise or even Dahab and Taba, you must first make sure and fully trust all your skills that you can Do it while floating before trying to take any type of camera with you on the ocean floor while diving.
It’s also great to know that there are now so many courses you can enroll in that ultimately make you more efficient at perfect buoyancy while diving.
Second: Get to know your camera’s features well
Hurghada Diving Egypt
Of course, it’s not a good idea at all to try to float without being well trained in how to use and handle your underwater camera and get to know the capabilities of your cameras and this definitely needs to be done on land before you decide to take it with you under the waves.
Also, when you decide to dig deeper, you end up of course thinking in your mind and you’ll have a lot more to think about than how this camera works.
Color correcting filters
- You must now not understand what it means to use color correction filters but let me tell you that these filters are used in the camera during Underwater Photography Tips to prevent or let’s say resist the loss of color in the images the more you decide to go underwater with the camera.
- As most of the time when using the camera without these filters, red colors can appear in a dark brown underwater.
- Also, the blue or green colors appear excessively darker than the shape of the figure
Its color is real.
- Do you understand now why it is necessary to use these filters under water, as it is necessary to use a strong and effective filter so that you can exit the colors in their original degrees, so that the red colors come out as they are without reducing the darkness in each of the degrees of blue and green in your photos.
Large memory card
- In fact, after all we talked about, you of course know that you need a memory card stationed in your camera so you don’t get frustrated and have plenty of room to use that camera to get your great photos!
Underwater photography safety rules
Unfortunately, it can be said that it is very easy to get completely distracted and lose your focus when you are completely preoccupied only with the issue of succeeding in taking a large number of the perfect picture and nature can make you laugh and make you completely forget all the things related to safety rules.
So let me now tell you some essential tips that you should keep in mind so that you can succeed in taking pictures underwater. The following safety tips can help you maintain your safety and security underwater, while at the same time helping to protect marine life.
First: Don’t touch or chase
- Of course, if you were one of those who took an open water diving course before, then of course you got that information from your instructors, which is to completely refrain from touching any creature in the marine life.
- This is because it is possible that your attempt to touch any of these living organisms that exist in their natural environment under the surface of the water is very dangerous for the diver himself (he may expose himself to a number of stings, or burns, and bites, and he may be subjected to electrocution with some creatures that have electrical energy etc), but it can’t be all danger to you only, you trying to touch them can also harm a lot of different types of fish and corals.
- Since, of course, you know very well that your skin carries large amounts of bacteria that may not harm you, and who, of course, are harmful bacteria for many types of these marine animals.
- In fact, from my experience and I know that it is relatively difficult as it is very tempting to try to move lightly with the fish and crowd them or try to hold on to some types of corals or to stick and take pictures with a number of colored rocks.
- Or even trying to play with them in order to attract a marine organism and help it get out of a hole that it had entered of its own free will before, and you may extend your fingers to it thinking that you are watching it more, but remember that preserving marine life is more important than that joy.
- These tips also apply to their attempt to chase some marine creatures in the water. If they prefer to leave the place and stay away from you, leave them alone and let them do what they want. And don’t forget that despite all the safety you take, you’re in their home.
Second: Be neutrally buoyant
- We also mention every time we talk that good buoyancy is a general matter and it must be learned and mastered before starting photography, as it can maintain your safety and enable you to succeed in capturing all images in great quality underwater.
- But do not put the camera to distract you, because if this happened and the beauty of the pictures overwhelmed them and you continued to float while you were lost from reality and did not realize that you had reached the point of buoyancy so much that you are now close to the surface, you are buried, thus exposing yourself to losing your safety position, or even Your head and equipment from the back of the boat collide, which could cause you harm.
- So the advice now is to pay attention and control as much as possible your buoyancy to keep yourself safe.
Third: Watch the fins of your friends’ suit. Watch those fins
- The next tip is to try not to take the camera and photography at the bottom all your focus and succeed in distracting your friends and forget about these diving buddies completely because of the immersion in photography.
- If you step back in order to get a great photo of a certain place and take it professionally, you may end up kicking one of your flight companions in the face, and they end up in the water taking off and losing their mask and thus endangering them, or even just refraining from diving With you again in the future.
Fourth: Stay streamline
- You should try to keep camera equipment always folded and close to the body that you can easily reach in order to avoid being dragged along coral reefs and sand. This is especially beneficial for your safety and the safety of your equipment as it helps you maintain fluidity as well as successfully keep your equipment safe.
Fifth: Use the flash carefully
- If you believe in you that a good shot of marine creatures in the depths is not necessary at all, you only need to keep focusing on only one of the particular sea creatures, you will succeed greatly.
- Therefore, it is important to be specific and have limits that cannot be crossed when using an underwater flash.
- For example, let me tell you one of these things for your safety first and then to expand your awareness. Never try to get your camera close to the octopus’s face to the point that you blind this small animal because of the large flash, you will not harm it alone, unfortunately, as you will lose your camera Where the octopus will stick to it and completely stop working. So let me tell you that by following all the rules you can always succeed in getting beautiful photos even without ever trying to use a flash.
Top tips for improving Underwater Photography Tips
In fact, after all you’ve read above and once you’ve mastered all the basics, you can then try to move on and develop yourself to learn all the obvious skills
Which can take you to a completely different degree of good Underwater Photography Tips and enable you to succeed in obtaining excellent, wonderful and perfect underwater photography.
Learn about marine life
- This step is very important if you are looking for a hair from your photos as photos of absolutely rare sea creatures in steam will be the most interesting and capable of attracting the viewer’s attention.
- If you succeed in understanding and studying all of the marine animals, plants or different types of corals to look for while diving, you will guarantee yourself a great percentage of success in taking an amazing and distinctive photo.
- Also, the more you know about marine life, the more you can succeed in knowing the specific places where certain types of these marine animals reside.
Watch documentaries
- Of course, this step is very important if you are really looking for professionalism, all the documentaries that were filmed under water in all diving areas in the world with great efficiency and accuracy can betray the key to professionalism for you.
- As the focus in these films inspired you with new ideas for shooting, it can also help you get an idea of what are the good angles for shooting in depth.
Follow the progress and approach of other underwater photographers
- In fact, the great role of experience cannot be overlooked, as it is required for success and progress in your life, so there are many photographers around us who have proven great competence and amazing professionalism in Underwater Photography Tips.
- Also fortunately most of them are already uploading those images on social media everywhere and you can watch and follow them so you can benefit and get inspiration and tips from them.
Learn how to edit photos
- Of course, you know about photo editing and what it can do to highlight the beauty and the image and really show its truth.
- With this, you can successfully adjust colors, contrast, saturation, and more than what photo editing can do.
- There are also a large number of good editing software that you can fully rely on after taking the photo such as Lightroom or Photoshop and these programs can help you get off to a good start as an aspiring underwater photographer.
- But you have to make absolutely sure that the eyes of the animal or the thing you are photographing are focused (this is, of course, what you photographed being a living creature with eyes)
- As focusing on the eye is what can fully attract the attention of photographers, and attract viewers’ eyes first, and therefore your focus on it is the most important so that the image is clearly defined.
Master photo composition
- To succeed in this step follow the instructions below, lower your body, aim your camera at an upward angle, and then try as much as possible to succeed in filling the entire picture frame with the scene around you.
Use auto white-balance
- In fact, the use and maintenance of white balance is one of the most important things that can be relied upon to produce great pictures when using either the flash or the stun.
- It is therefore recommended that you try to use the white balance customized for your camera type or put it often underwater when deciding not to use the flash.
Learn how to use manual mode or aperture priority model
- Of course, this is an option that should not be available in all types of camera, but if your camera has this wonderful feature, you can by relying on it to succeed in controlling the success of balancing both natural light and artificial light from the flash in your camera You will finally get a great picture with a quality that is true to nature.
- Do not forget that it is preferable that you take this photography in a depth equivalent to approximately 20 feet (6 meters) of water or less, and you must betray the direction of the sun behind you.
- This is especially the case if you prefer to shoot those images based on natural light photography.
Hurghada Diving Egypt

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